
Even if you only sell your products or services in one country, it makes sense to translate the content. I explain the 2 main advantages:

  1. Multilingualism as an additional service At the very least, you should translate your store into English. For example, let it be only 10 out of 500 visitors who can identify better with the English language and you will have reached these 10 people better!

  2. SEO advantages through multilingualism This point should not be underestimated. By translating your content, you automatically rank in a larger Google catchment area. The number of your indexed URLs is multiplied by the number of languages in your store. Many more search queries match the products and topics you cover. This increases your visibility and therefore your turnover many times over.

Setting and assigning languages

In your Shopware 6 administration under Settings > Shop > Languages you can define which languages should be supported in your store.

Here you can edit existing languages or add a new language. The next steps are self-explanatory, so I'll skip straight to the next point.

Sales channel Assignment

You now want to display the languages you have created in your storefront. To do this, simply go to your sales channel in the sidebar of your administration and scroll to Languages


You have to add an additional domain for each additional language. That sounds more difficult than it is. With Shopware 6, you can simply create additional domains and assign language snippets under "Domains".


In the settings of your sales channel, scroll to Domains and add another domain. For example:

Your store runs under and you would now like to add a domain for the English branch, then simply create the same domain with the ending /en/:

That's it! Your sales channel is now running in several languages and you can start translating your text modules.

Last updated