Google Analytics - IMG

Shopware 6 has an integrated function for integrating Google Analytics so that you can analyze your visitors and sales in the long term. In this article, I will only explain how to set up Google Analytics in Shopware 6.

You can link Google Analytics individually for each of your sales channels. To do this, go to your corresponding sales channel in the page navigation of your Shopware administration and to the Analysis tab.

Here you will find the settings you need to link your Analytics account. Yes, you need a Google Analytics account. You can find out more about how to set this up at Google.


In Germany, the GDPR requires IP anonymization to be active (as of 20.02.2022). This may certainly change again, but here is a note to you!

You should definitely also add an entry on Google Analytics to your privacy policy. You can either do this using generators or directly from a specialist lawyer.

Last updated