Extend Templates
Here you need HTML and TWIG
In this example, the footer of the main theme is extended with an additional container. The procedure is exactly the same as if you were developing your own theme for Shopware 6.
The only difference: The folder structure of the main theme must be adhered to here for the customizations to take effect.
Here is a sample code of the footer of the main theme:
Let's assume you want to display an area for customer reviews above the footer. Then you should create the base.html.twig
file in the views folder in your child theme.
I have already created this file for you in my child theme template. It's best to use the template as a guide.
Extension of the Footer
The block {% block base_footer %} must now be extended, so your base.html.twig should look like this after customization:
You should always clear the cache after a customization.
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